Saturday, December 26, 2015

Maryland Bay

Annapolis, MD

I think I will do nothing for a long time but listen,
and accrue what I hear unto myself…and let sounds contribute towards me.
— Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass

Sunday, June 7, 2015

This is an amazing video, this dude is so passionate about what he does, and he wants to change the world.

We all need to be a bit more like that.


Saturday, April 25, 2015

Ranger's first snow!

March 20 2015! Ranger's first real snow! I dont think he really knew what to do with himself....

But he did seem to enjoy some of it quite a bit...

8 Months

So its been almost 8 months since my dad's accident. He spent a month in the hospital, and these are two pictures from that time.

The first, it was 2 days after the accident. Dad was still doped up and barely stitched together. 
This was before the other problems came up- the internal bleeding, fluid in the lung, medication allergy, blood clots... 
This was the day I left for Delaware.
He barely remembers these first few days, the days were Meg, Mom, and I rarely left his side.

So that day I left for Delaware.. September 1st, 2014. I left my dad in the hospital bed, knowing he and my mom were going to fight tooth an nail to keep him alive.
And they succeeded.
A month later, I got this photo. He was sitting up! He was smiling! He had lost a bajillion pounds and had metal screws and rods in his body, a cast on his leg, but he survived. He was still my daddy. And thats all that mattered.

When I saw him again 4 months later at Christmas, I burst into tears...he was starting to walk without a cane! And now, 8 months later, hes back on his bike, almost as good as new.

My dad is amazing.... and everyone should know that. Hes the coolest, toughest, most badass mush head on the planet. No one, not even a tractor, can take him from me.