Sunday, July 16, 2017

The Seester Graduated!

Congratulations to my brilliant, feisty, kind, and all around amazing little sister on graduating from one of the best universities in California! 

She graduated from the Animal Science program with a minor in Agriculture Business...and she's already a bigger badass than me because her classes involved sticking her arm up a horse's butt, dissecting animal testicles, and other medical-type things that give me the heebee jeebies. 

She's come a long way from ten years ago when a horse bit her on the finger and she basically passed out while I washed the blood off, waiting for mom to come pick us up. She's going to do amazing things!

The whole family! Gramps, Aunt D, Granny, Uncle K, Mom, Meg, Dad, cousins Olivia and Jeff, and me! It was a full house.

The two that started it all!

Love it when the band is back together...

Meg, Gramps, and myself after the ceremony!

Dad is a moosh head <3