Sunday, April 15, 2018

Edinburgh :: The Wedding!!

Here comes the bride!!

Today was the day my dear friend Keeley (an American) walked down the aisle towards Seth (an Aussie) and partied the night away!

The day started with Meg and I rolling out of bed; I grabbed some Starbucks for us as we thew our faces on since we didn't know how prepped the other ladies would be. 

We arrived a little before 11, and enjoyed the morning getting ready with the bridal party and chilling in the pastor's flat. 


The bridal party right before we walked down the aisle!

 I don't have a ton of photos of the actual wedding because we were dancing all night, but I have one or two from the formal photos.

The Edwards side of the family

Sky started dancing so the babies would look forward

Keeley walking back to photos after grabbing a wee snack

After photos and dinner, the dancing commenced! The Scots have a dance called a "Kalie" (spelled like Cailidhee or something) that is similar to American square dancing, but less country and not as number-driven (meaning you dont need 8 people for each dance. You just need a partner or two). So the DJ taught the dances and we had a blast!

After the wedding, Meg and I uber'd back to the flat, I did a quick change out of the bridesmaid dress in a corner alley, and we stopped in a tavern down the road for a late night drink. By time we went to bed, it was past midnight!