Sunday, February 12, 2017

Delaware Valentines Day

We celebrated Valentine's Day early by heading down to the beach! Behold, the Cultured Pearl in it's delicious glory: 

Regardless of society's expectations or social norms surrounding relationships, what matters is making your relationship and life work for you. With the military owning both of our lives for the foreseeable future, we know there will be holidays and special occasions for which we won't be together. But as long as we're on the same page and communicate our expectations, we'll be alright.

This was especially apparent today, since we both worked this morning (on a Saturday), while planning on going out tonight because Tuesday (actual Valentine's Day) will be filled with adult responsibilities.

Since it's the middle of winter, the boardwalk was a bit empty. But that's perfect, we hate crowds as it is. Evan had a surprise plan of walking down to Cold Stone for dessert after our massive meal at the Cultured Pearl. Even though it's a chain (which we try to stay away from during travels), I can't deny it's one of my favorite places! I'm a sucker for Birthday Cake ice cream with Kit Kats and fudge. Dang its delicious.