Tuesday, August 12, 2014

San Frannnnnsisco!

On a whim, Evan and I drove to San Fran late Friday night to spend the weekend exploring! Hills, tourists, delicious food...and ten miles of walking a day! 

Fun fact- the Golden Gate Bridge isn't Golden or Red-colored...its International Orange! Because the machine used to make the paint is called an International!

The famous Haight Street, in its wonderful, colorful splendor.

The view of the bay from Ghirardelli Square.

Expensive drinks and dessert at the Tonga Room in the Fairmont Hotel...with an indoor rainforest!

China Town!

Main street clock tower, which used to be perpendicular to the road before the earthquake of 1906. After that, it shifted and now sits crooked. And the bell is broken.

A gorgeous view of the city from the Wave Organ...rumor has it, you can hear music made from the wind and waves.

The Palace of Fine Arts
Fun Fact- renting this area for a wedding costs 250,000 dollars

A modern marvel of engineering!

Cable cars, while one of the most iconic pieces of San Fran culture, are such a pain in the butt! They run two routes, and takes 45 minutes or more to jump on one of these bad boys...and that's assuming the conductor stops for you!

Take a tip from me, and use your cable car ticket to instead figure out the local bus system...much easier, quicker, and simpler way to see the city!

The Grace Cathedral: 

Inside Grace Cathedral

Alcatraz Island

And lastly our smiling faces from the deck of the former war ship Jeremiah O'brien!

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