Friday, September 5, 2014

Day 10 & 11: Cesky Krumlov

So Cesky Krumlov (in the Czech Republic) was probably one of my favorite places we've been to this trip. The town sits in the bends of the Dunabe River (I think), and its absolutely adorable. I would not mind buying a little cottage and living there.

The main focal point of the city is the Palace.. and the tower. Built on a hill overlooking the city and the river, it gives some of the most beautiful views I have ever'll have to bear with me, I took a ton of pictures of just the view from the Palace. But they're so worth it. 
The Palace tower

View of Cesky Krumlov from the palace



While walking up to the Palace, you see the entry way in front of you, and the tower to your left. As you walk through the entrance, you are on a bridge above a small moat. Turns out, underneath you, is a family of bears! REAL BEARS! Wikipedia says that the Royal Family used to be related to the family Orsini, which is derived from Orsa- 'Bear' in Italian. So it became a tradition that a family of bears would live in the Palace. They had their own moat of course, where they currently live, as well as their own personal attendant. Every year on Christmas and the bears' birthdays, the town holds a festival in honor of them.

As you walk up the cobblestone and wooden entryway, you enter into this small courtyard surrounded by high painted walls, with windows and gates poking out randomly. It was such an odd contrast, seeing all the details painted on, but the iron and glass very austere compared to the paint job. Actually, almost the entire palace was like this- the details of the walls painted on, while the windows and such just poke out.
The courtyard with the painted walls

You eventually cross another walkway, which seems just like any other walkway on the ground. You have an amazing view of the town, and its not until you're back at sea level do you realize how high you actually were...or what you were on!

The walkway is on the top of the grey portion. It seems as if the grey cement part was built first, then the blue-ish part was built later...and they just stuck it on the top without bothering to blend it in!!

Street signs around the Palace

Once across the aqueduct walkway, the path opens up, and eventually leads to the Palace Gardens...which are just magnificent!

Entrance to the Palace Gardens

The main pathway down the gardens from the entrance

As you can probably tell, I loved the pedestal carvings

Uploading these pictures, I'm surprised I don't have more pictures of the rest of the gardens...they extend for acres and acres, more than you would think. Behind that fountain were tall hedges that enclosed smaller courtyards of flowers, perfect for reading in the shade. Behind that was almost a forest- tall trees that had tons of shade, and grass that went forever.

There is also the Revolving Auditorium- an outdoor stage and seating for plays. However, the audience seating is built on a revolving disc- so it swivels, depending on the scene of the play. There's an entire set built, with speakers at every angle so the audience can hear, no matter which way their chairs are turned. 

Away from the Place and into the city!! The town is completely paved with cobblestone- no asphalt or cement anywhere! And bridges everywhere, as the city sits in the bends of the river.

On a bridge overlooking the river

A different part of the river! With the palace in the background!

Over the course of 2 days, we saw:

A random brass band play in the middle of the square:

Some creepy store-front windows:

Yes, this is a Harry Potter wax figure

For some reason, CK is really big on puppets, like 12+ inch tall marionettes. Like the ones in Sound of Music. They even have a museum dedicated to them, which Leanne said was suuuperr creepy.  

Lots of people living in apartments, watching the world from their open windows, and watching the people below: (there's a dude in the first window in the middle)

And some awesome chairs that Leanne and I simply had to experience:

We also ate at some AMAZING cafes. Their hot chocolates are so rich and creamy! And the view isn't bad either!

We also went river rafting on the Danube- it took us about 2.5 hours, and we went about 6 miles, if i had to guess. I don't have any pictures, since bringing a camera on a raft probably wouldn't have been too smart. But we did have one lady bring hers, so when they're on Facebook, I'll definitely stick them up!

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