Thursday, April 12, 2018

Glasgow :: Uni & Kelvingrove

Day two in Glasgow! Today we visited Glasgow University and the Kelvingrove Art Museum

Courtyard in Glasgow University

In front of the school crest

We (mainly Meg) decided to explore by randomly opening doors...we found a few hidden gems.

Kelvingrove Museum was interesting and a good way to spend a few hours out of the cold. The museum has an organ, and we were able to watch a recital an hour after being there.

This display was interesting, and we searched and searched but couldn't find the plaque that described what it meant.

One thing is not like the other....

 They had a few natural history displays, as well.



We connected on a deeper level

This section of a tree trunk was over 600 years old!

Again, that evening we checked everything off our to-do list and headed back to the flat mid-evening. Before heading back, we had dinner at Tennants bar, which was the last bar in Glasgow to allow women to attend (previously, women were not allowed in bars). Ever since that ban has lifted, the bar has ironically only had women managers. Girl power!

We had a pre-bed snack of cheese and chocolate milk from the supermarket, because we're super classy like that.

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