Saturday, November 10, 2018

Yeosan Apple Festival

Yeosan Apple Festival

The dinosaur got your attention, didn't it?
It caught ours, too. For some reason, dinosaurs were scattered around the Apple Festival...some snacking, some not, but all the center of attention for kids and adults alike.

Other than the dinos, the Apple Festival was on the edge of a lake and waterfall, in view of a small town.

The tents held vendors selling random goods and services, and the best row was the like of apple vendors giving out free samples! We went through that section twice, and bought a box of Costco-sized apples for only 10,000 Won! Thats roughly $9, and that would have cost double at a normal store.

Throughout the day, several groups performed dances and skits...unfortunately we didn't understand a word, but they seemed to have fun! 

We wandered around the town to find lunch, and failed to find any place we could communicate before landing upon a delicious pizza and chicken place.

We also had a taste of the local community...

We returned to the festival for a selfie with a dino, and to buy our apples...

We had to take a 3.5 hour bus ride each way, but between napping and Netflix, it was a great way to spend a Sunday! Plus now we have fresh fruit for a fraction of the cost back in our town!

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