Monday, January 2, 2017

Christmas in CA :: Safari!

The day after Christmas, the family went to Safari West, a wildlife preserve near Middletown, CA. We had the first tour of the day, so it was a beautiful 20-something degrees outside. Always good times when you can see your breath. 

You can tell mom and meg are cold-
Thank goodness Granny gave us blankets for Christmas!
This very social bird took a special interest in Meg
and her blanket

The bird was also very interested in Granny's blanket...for good nesting material!

This hyena is usually extremely shy...but he was just basking in the sun!

Evan, Meg, myself, and Kara (cousin) sat on the top of the jeep...and met an ostrich!

They're a mini gang...or the Fates from Hercules

Evan, Meg, myself and Kara chillin with some Zebras
These rinos were pretty hardcore...they eat 150 lbs of food a day!

We love of Meg and my favorite animals. So naturally I took a boatload of photos!



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