Sunday, July 22, 2018

Dover to Korea

As you do in the military, it's time to say goodbye to one home and make a life in another place! For us, that means moving from Dover, Delaware to South Korea. We packed up the house, loaded up the car, and headed across the country with Ranger in the back seat. A seven day road trip lay ahead of us to get to Los Angeles to leave Ranger with my family while Evan and I live in South Korea for the next year.


Our trip included stops in Charleston, Georgia, Texas, and Arizona, all to see friends, family, and cool places. And of course give Ranger pee breaks!

Walking down the street in Charleston

We stopped in Georgia to see a good friend from college. Ranger didn't know what to do with her pet cat...

Ranger loves watching were we're going...he always needed a view out the front window!
 Evan's family lives in Texas, with a lake in their back yard with some pretty giant fish for the catching!


A revisit to our old stomping ground in Prescott, Airzona

California skies

Ranger thinks he owns the bed

On the top floor of the Getty Museum in Los Angeles

After seeing our families on our epic road trip, we flew to Seattle to spend a day before catching the 14-hour plane to Korea.

Seattle, Washington from the air

After exploring Pikes Place, we hopped on a ferris wheel to catch some gorgeous views of the city and bay!

The photos dont do the mountains justice. Absolutely gorgeous!

After over 24 hours of traveling, seeing Seoul become closer to our airplane was a beautiful and welcome sight...and the beginning of a year of adventure!